Design unit
ESTAB Barcelona2011 - 2015
2018 - ongoing
Under Prof. Jordi Ros
It was in a particular context of cooperation that our Design studio of Diploma at ETSAB decided to join an initiative of developing projects in collaboration with different European schools of Architecture. This academic adventure added to our interest in researching and thinking about the fabric of European cities and undoubtedly influenced the future conception of a teaching proposal that Professor Jordi Ros has coordinated throughout these years. Since then and without interruption, every year the Diploma unit has been systematically located its interest in a European city and collaborated with a local architecture school.
ParisInstitut del Teatre a Bellevile.
Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2012
ISBN 978- 84-9880-487-4
Sala Beckett
Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2013
ISBN 978-84- 9880-489-8
Ambaixada per a un nou Estat Europeu
Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2014
Centro Náutico
Barcelona: Ediciones UPC, 2015